Thursday, December 25, 2008

The five health insurance plans

Given that competition in health insurance is that increasingly, it is not surprising that more and more forms of health insurance is being developed. Among these, there are some famous and they are described below.

Individual Insurance: To ensure a person is a form of insurance. May we to be selective about what he wanted in the plan through this process. Thus, the premium was calculated, and the insurance plan takes effect.

Insurance group: other types of insurance is the group's business. With this type of insurance, which must comply with what is happening, and it depends on the provider of insurance services. These are the people who decide what is possible to include in the plan, and at the base, a group insurance policy may occur.

Compensation Plan: This plan provides access to a doctor if necessary, does not have this restriction, which seems to be more traditional plans. We do not need permission to go to a health care providers. However, what usually happens is that members pay 20% of the total cost of treatment, while the insurer to pay 80%. In addition, there was a period of up to pay by that means, then took over the company to pay 100%.

HMO: Health Maintenance Organization, which is one that allows members to choose a doctor on the panel. He is a doctor who will be chosen in cooperation with members of the problems. The doctor who was elected to one of them will be addressed in any reviews, and if there is a problem with members who can not be treated by him, called the expert members.


ihsan zakian said...

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ihsan zakian said...

visit me some time

Jhon smith said...


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Anonymous said...

Nice blog

product liability insurance said...

As the demand for health insurance is increasing day by day so is the type of policies are increasing according to the need and requirements. You have explained the basic of those policies very nicely with accurate information about each of them. Thanks.

Simranjeet Singh said...

Your post is great ,very informative and detailed about health plan. I stumbled upon something similar that could help the people to plan their insurance plans according to their needs & budget.